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Collection of Books

The Central Library Provides

The Central Library of NIT-Warangal  supports the main objective of the institute to become a world class institution in Engineering, Sciences and Humanities & Social Sciences.

The library has a rich collection of books on Civil Engineering,  Electrical Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Humanities & Social Sciences. The collection includes reference books, text books, CDs etc. We are constantly in a process of increasing our collection of books further.

NIT-Warangal library has also started subscribing to research journals in electronic as well as printed formats. E-journals available with various reputed online scientific databases such as American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, American Mathematical Society, Annual Reviews, , IEEE, JSTOR, , Nature, Science-Direct and SpringerLink and can be accessed.

he Central Library in the area of science, technology, engineering, humanities, social sciences, management etc. is very strong. We have total updated collection of Chemical Abstract since it's first volume. The collection comprises mainly with books, theses, pamphlets , reports, current journals, back volumes, specifications, standards, patents, audio-video cassette, microfiche, microfilms CD-ROM databases etc. The collection is heavily used by the faculty, students, retired faculty, scholars. The organisation of the entire collections is given below:



Reading Hall

In this hall the subjects have been dispayed on the end panel of each book stack.The stacks of thi shall have the books on Computer science, Information,  Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics etc.



Current Journal Reading Hall

The entire current journals received in the Central Library are displayed in specially designed Wooden Display Racks arrange under broad subjects. The journals received daily are first displayed in the JOURNALS RECEIVED TODAY a transparent display kept near to Journals Information Desk.

Book Bank (Books)

The stacks of hall has the books on computer science, Social sciences, Language and Science- Chemistry, Mathematics,Physics, Architecture, management, chemical engineering, metallurgy, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture,  material science. 


Reading Hall -I (Books)

In this hall the main subjects have been displayed on the end panel of each book stack. The stacks of this hall has the books on computer science and engineering, architecture, management, chemical engineering, metallurgy, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture, industries, building, material science, agriculture and medicine.

Engineering & Technology Back Volumes

Right Wing: All the engineering and technology back volumes are arrnaged as per Placement Number Placement Number.

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